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", "title": "Health & Well-Being", "icon": "fa-heartbeat"}, {"title": "Financial Future", "description": "Retirement benefits, Discounted Employee Stock Purchase Program and other resources to help you reach your long term financial goals.", "icon": "fa-piggy-bank"}, {"title": "Work-Life Balance", "description": "Paid time off and flexible work arrangements that allow you to integrate work and home. Relax, recover, care for family members, honor personal commitments, and more. ", "icon": "fa-user-clock"}, {"description": "Expect fair compensation and equal opportunities for all our employees.", "title": "Competitive Pay", "icon": "fa-sack-dollar"}, {"title": "Inclusion & Diversity", "description": "Be you and feel a sense of belonging in an inclusive working culture offering Employee Resource Groups and more.", "icon": "fa-handshake perk-icon"}, {"title": "Learning & Development", "description": "Programs and experiences designed to help you grow your career and hone your knowledge and skills, including Tuition Reimbursement. ", "icon": "fa-book-reader"}, {"title": "Volunteer & Giving", "description": "Create a better world for communities and the environment with our volunteering programs & paid volunteer time. Our philanthropic efforts are far-reaching and steeped in generosity and passion of our employees. ", "icon": "fa-hand-holding-heart"}], "privacy": {"title": "Data Privacy", "button": "I Accept", "text": "By entering information here, you agree to submit information related to your application to Zebra Technologies Corporation and its affiliates (\u201cZebra\u201d). Information submitted is subject to Zebra\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.zebra.com/us/en/about-zebra/company-information/legal/privacy-statement.html\" >Privacy Policy</a>. Information submitted in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the United Kingdom and Turkey is subject to Zebra's <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=978791&hashed=-1158610107\" >EMEA Recruitment Privacy Notice</a> and <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=1085014&hashed=76655921\" >Turkey Privacy Consents for Recruitment</a>. Zebra may use and retain your information for up to 6 years as well as provide it to third parties or agencies which may, as applicable, process, transmit, store or retain it for the purpose of complying with applicable laws and regulations. Zebra may use third-party service providers to perform verification and/or background checks who may be located outside the country from which you are applying or reside. You also agree and consent to Zebra\u2019s use of third-party service providers, including but not limited to, iCIMS, Inc., who may process, transmit, and store the information you submit in your application. iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.icims.com/gc/Talent-Platform-Security-Policy/\">privacy statements and security policies</a> also apply. Please contact iCIMS, Inc. directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s policies.", "logged_out_notifications_text": "When you upload your resume, we provide job recommendations that will be emailed to you on a weekly basis. You can manage these notifications by selecting Manage Notifications from the email. Please confirm you agree to the Data Privacy."}, "navBar": {"opacity": 1, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/zebra/1652831607::pcs-logo-navbar", "link": "https://zebra.eightfold.ai/refer", "background": "#000000"}, "hideJobCart": false, "page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "job_page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "page_description": "Careers at Zebra", "hide_matched_section": true, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true}, "positions": [{"id": 343621228336, "name": "Senior Product Manager (Mobile Computing)", "location": "Holtsville, New York, United States", "locations": ["Holtsville, New York, United States", "Mississauga, Ontario, Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Management", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1726262760, "t_create": 1720555800, "ats_job_id": "106510", "display_job_id": "106510", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106510-en", "job_description": "Collaborates with research and development to create products and validate early product definitions. The Senior Product Manager is responsible for the overall marketing message/value proposition statement, business case/P&L, market acceptance of the product and is the \"Chief Product Advocate\" for the product and portfolio The position has responsibility for the growth and business success of an assigned product line life cycle and/or product category Engages with Independent Software Vendors (ISV's), Resellers, Solution Partners and internal SME's or partners to define, develop and execute Go-To-Market Strategies or Demand Generation activities required to successful realize ramp to revenue product financial objectives and to drive Awareness, Demand and Preference in the market for the responsible products & solutions Product Life Cycle Management Conducts market, customer and competitive analysis in order to understand customer needs for his/her product line Converts analysis into a coherent market requirements that defines product form, fit and function including functionality and feature prioritization, cost, sales volume and profitability expectations and expected competitive response Analyzes and interprets go to market requirements including geographical customer and market differences, channel partner needs, including end user and partner pricing requirements Articulates product positioning in terms of Zebra inter-line logic as well as competitive positioning Oversees the product launch plans to assure that his/her product is presented to the market as intended by the strategy Manages the product through the product lifecycle including analyzing product sales and profitability performance against financial plans Determines timing and need for mid-life kickers as competitive or customer needs change or technology advances warrant a change Manages the end-of-life process to gracefully transition customers to next generation products and prevent revenue gaps or excessive obsolescence Bachelor's Degree required 5+ years of relevant experience Demonstrated experience managing a complex, broad portfolio of products Demonstrated experience managing P&L Strong attention to detail / quality Strong process adherence Advanced level skills in Microsoft business applications including: Word, Excel, and Outlook Advanced P&L knowledge Advanced market knowledge in assigned category Customer services values / orientation Strong professional work behaviors (attendance, teamwork, time management, follow through) Advanced analytical and organizational skills Demonstrates good judgement in decision making, applies knowledge and experience to guide decisions Strong business acumen Strong presentation skills Strong communication skills (listening, providing clear and concise information, using proper language and grammar) Advanced problem solving skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621228336", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621921517, "name": "Product Manager, II", "location": "Preston, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Preston, United Kingdom"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Management", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1726241160, "t_create": 1723720440, "ats_job_id": "106900", "display_job_id": "106900", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106900-en", "job_description": "Through general knowledge of market, competitive landscape, customer requirements, distribution channels and Zebra offerings defines requirements for assigned product(s) and/or solutions (s). Contributes to development and presentation of routine business cases by completing supportive research and other tasks under the supervision of senior team members. Supports Sr. Product Manager in executing product lifecycle activities for assigned product lines Works as Product Owner to develop product(s) and/or solution(s) validating feature and functional requirements are met. Participates and/or leads product launch activities as member of cross functional team. Tasks include SKU setup, ROI model creation, marketing collateral input and feedback, conducting training and webinars. 2+ years of customer facing experience, ideally in Product management Strong attention to detail/quality Intermediate level skills in Microsoft business applications - Powerpoint, Excel, Word and Outlook Intermediate Market knowledge in assigned category Intermediate business analyst skills to analyze project related data sets. Customer service values/orientation Strong professional work behaviors- attendance, teamwork, time management, follow through Demonstrates good judgement in decision making, applies knowledge and experience to guide decisions. Intermediate presentation skills. Strong business acumen", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621921517", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621810755, "name": "Senior Product Manager", "location": "Germantown, Maryland, United States", "locations": ["Germantown, Maryland, United States", "Holtsville, New York, United States", "Mississauga, Ontario, Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Management", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1726263180, "t_create": 1723481100, "ats_job_id": "106851", "display_job_id": "106851", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106851-en", "job_description": "Manages the product definition, positioning, pricing and lifecycle management of a product line (product series) within a family of products. Conducts market, customer and competitive analysis in order to understand customer needs for his/her product line Converts analysis into a coherent market requirements that defines product form, fit and function including functionality and feature prioritization, cost, sales volume and profitability expectations and expected competitive response Analyzes and interprets go to market requirements including geographical customer and market differences, channel partner needs, including end user and partner pricing requirements Articulates product positioning in terms of Zebra inter-line logic as well as competitive positioning Oversees the product launch plans to assure that his/her product is presented to the market as intended by the strategy Manages the product through the product lifecycle including analyzing product sales and profitability performance against financial plans Determines timing and need for mid-life kickers as competitive or customer needs change or technology advances warrant a change Manages the end-of-life process to gracefully transition customers to next generation products and prevent revenue gaps or excessive obsolescence charges Bachelor's degree required 5+ years of relevant experience Experience in product management Demonstrated experience managing a complex, broad portfolio of products Customer centric product management experience Advanced degree preferred Experience working with fixed industrial scanning and/or machine vision solution and commensurate knowledge of technology, products, and marketplace Pragmatic institute certification Demonstrated experience managing P&L Advanced market knowledge in assigned category Customer services values / orientation Strong professional work behaviors (attendance, teamwork, time management, follow through) Advanced analytical and organizational skills Demonstrates good judgement in decision making, applies knowledge and experience to guide decisions Strong business acumen Strong presentation skills Strong communication skills (listening, providing clear and concise information, using proper language and grammar) Advanced problem solving skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621810755", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621304033, "name": "Product Manager, II", "location": "Prestanov, Czech Republic", "locations": ["Prestanov, Czech Republic", "\u00dast\u00ed nad Labem, Czechia", "Teplice, Czechia"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Management", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1726209720, "t_create": 1720799220, "ats_job_id": "106531", "display_job_id": "106531", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106531-en", "job_description": "Through comprehensive knowledge of market, competitive landscape, customer requirements, distribution channels and Zebra offerings, anticipates market and customer requirements for assigned product(s). Works collaboratively with other functions to develop and align on business objectives. Owns development of business case by completing supportive research, authoring slides, and delivering presentations to internal and external audiences, routinely including senior management. Monitors and reports business metrics against plan. Develops documentation of product and market requirements. Works to design and create the product offer, coordinates post launch activities such as sales support, bid and quote support, and customer presentations. Evaluates cost reduction initiatives working in concert with manufacturing, external suppliers, and other internal partners Develops pricing strategy with manager support. Supports product launch by providing a comprehensive understanding of the value proposition. Deliver product training to sales, sales engineers, technical support and other internal and external stakeholders. Works closely with development teams and other key stakeholders to oversee new product development validating development is on spec. Preferred Work Experience (years): Minimum 5 years of experience in Product management or customer facing technical product role Strong attention to detail / quality Strong process adherence Advanced level skills in Microsoft business applications including: Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook Customer services values / orientation Strong professional work behaviors (attendance, teamwork, time management, follow through) Advanced analytical and organizational skills Demonstrates good judgement in decision making, applies knowledge and experience to guide decisions Strong presentation skills Strong communication skills (listening, providing clear and concise information, using proper language and grammar) Advanced problem solving skills English full proficiency German language is very nice to have", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621304033", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622140595, "name": "Senior Manager Technical Program Management (SaaS)", "location": "Kennesaw, Georgia, United States", "locations": ["Kennesaw, Georgia, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1725978600, "t_create": 1724795100, "ats_job_id": "107052", "display_job_id": "107052", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107052-en", "job_description": "Functional leadership of program management teams with possible direct supervision of several senior PM's and managers. Independently drives team growth and development plans and supports individual's execution of development activities such as training, mentorships, and guiding growth opportunities for high potentials. Team leadership for scaled Agile cross-functional innovation teams. Contribute to and promote the development of agile skillset and capabilities within Zebra. Drive execution of solutions inclusive of concept definition, requirements validation, architecture specification, and governance compliance to our Application Lifecycle Management framework. Demonstrates the ability to see cross-functional impacts of decisions and project plans and execution. Balances scope, schedule and budget considerations to adjust the project with minimal impact to the business. Understands the business objectives of the program and assumes personal accountability for success of the program against those objectives. Establishes standards of performance across programs that are typically complex in nature with cross-functional teams in numerous locations and time zones. Drives continuous improvement initiatives to improve quality, increase efficiency and accelerate time to market. Ability to translate customer problems into solution requirements. Works independently with business in defining proof of value and customer's return on investment. Leads system integration planning, release management, and planning for demonstrations, proof of concepts and pilots. Leads creating cross functional workstreams and driving execution for sales enablement, development and deployment. Independently building relationships and working across all relevant areas of the solution business including Sales, Services, IT, Finance, Marketing, Product, Engineering, and Support. Organizes and presents business, technical and program reviews/status to Senior Leadership using digital media, dashboards and JIRA agile project management tools. Recognized as an \"expert\" in the business function and processes in which the program is operating Motivate a project team to ensure solutions are reliable and of quality, in a highly collaborative fashion Independently coordinates deliverables and project assets to assist the project team. Personally anticipates and addresses obstacles or issues that are moderate to significant in severity and escalates complex issues to management for assistance. Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles or delays. Adjusts the plan per management guidelines as delays or obstacles are experienced. Demonstrates advanced understanding of development processes and product launch scope and activities Strength in hiring, recruiting, managing, developing, coaching, and retaining individuals and teams. Deep understanding of human resources, employee performance improvement plans, and corrective action policies No supervision by management is expected in this position for complex or novel problems. May coach or act as escalation point for Managers of Program Management or grades below Explore and understand competitive landscape in both product and business terms. Define strategic initiatives to align the business to agile product development. Work closely with Portfolio Management to ensure strategic goals align and are represented in the innovation feature roadmap. Lead development of business plans, strategies and approaches to take advantage of business opportunities. Lead strategic partnerships with technology companies (including startups) that are developing adjacent new cutting-edge solution elements. Partner with Zebra Ventures to identify entities that are added-value to your business and solutions. Develop and protect intellectual property; be well versed with IP fundamentals. Computer Science degree, or related technical bachelor's degree required 12+ years Engineering/Program management experience for products in fast paced environment including minimum 2 years as team supervisor or manager Experienced team builder, great at collaboration and managing resources; proven interpersonal skills Experience leading large cross-functional teams and SaaS programs Ability to drive definition and creation of solutions from skeleton use cases Advanced program management experience with Cloud development and Software/Services development integration, as well as mobile application development for Android or iOS Advanced expertise with software development best practices including Scaled Agile, general Agile program management experience, TDD and Continuous Integration; a track record of applying these methodologies Advanced expertise working independently and as part of a team to solve difficult technical, quality, cost, and schedule challenges, expert in risk management practices Self-motivated, results driven, manages risks, and thrives in an environment of uncertainty and continuous innovation. Strong strategic leadership and analytical skills Demonstrated ability to influence others Exceptional verbal and written communication skills, critical thinking and questioning skills MBA or Master's degree preferred Strong SaaS and Cloud software solutions experience highly preferred AI experience preferred Able to identify and resolve process, procedure, and tool gaps to improve overall program success Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to address complex problems considering various technological and business factors Outstanding proactive communication skills: written, verbal, and presentations High ownership with a strong bias for action Drive a culture of using data insights to help drive decision-making Ability to lead, organize, and prioritize multiple projects and requests simultaneously Proven ability to build, track, and execute programs from start to finish independently under fast-changing priorities Critical time management skills for all owned tasks, often delivering under tight deadlines and managing project timelines and deliverables Excellent verbal and written communication skills with strong personal ownership and the ability to align partnerships and collaborations Innovative and solution-oriented problem solver who can respond to changing priorities, rapidly adapt, and overcome challenges collaboratively Demonstrated ability to stay calm under pressure and be comfortable with ambiguity Skills to influence stakeholders at all levels, with the ability to get buy-in and hold people accountable Ability to simplify complex technical information in verbal and written form and drive informed decisions across multiple departments Exceptional cross-team collaboration focused on execution, follow-through, and accountability; results-driven", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622140595", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621994874, "name": "Senior Manager Program Management", "location": "Holtsville, New York, United States", "locations": ["Holtsville, New York, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1725665340, "t_create": 1724185440, "ats_job_id": "106989", "display_job_id": "106989", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106989-en", "job_description": "Functional Leadership of Program management teams with direct reports. Independently drives team growth and development plans and supports team development activities such as training, mentorships, and guiding growth opportunities. Responsible for the execution of multiple moderate to large scope complex projects with cross-functional teams in multiple locations Uses and makes improvement recommendations to established tools, approaches/methodologies, and templates to guide and document the plan and communicate it to the team. Responsible for all aspects of program planning and execution fully autonomously Operates cross-functionally to identify and execute solutions to unclearly defined, complex, portfolio level challenges. Executes and enables strategic cross-functional improvements. Prepares and influentially present status updates and other deliverables to senior-level audiences Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles/delays. Proactively provides recommendations for issue resolution and adjusts for delays/obstacles Establishes operational objectives and delegates assignments to achieve business results Demonstrates advanced knowledge of all PM techniques. Utilizes PM tools & techniques in scheduling & staffing plans with an understanding of task duration and dependencies. Develops comprehensive risk management plans. Demonstrates advanced knowledge of development processes and product launch scope and activities Demonstrates ability to navigate complex problems and overcome ambiguity with limited manager oversight Identifies, recommends, and implements process improvements Bachelor's degree in [Engineering, Computer Science, Business] or a related field 12+ years' experience, plus 3 years minimum experience in a people leader role. Must have experience of software development processes, including and deploying systems into the market. Experience with Agile/SCRUM/Waterfall methologies required. Demonstrated experience with leading program management teams. Demonstrated strong influencing skills at variying levels, including C-suite. Master's degree preferred Effective in presenting and communicating (verbal and written), and facilitating to peers, direct reports, and executive audiences. Experience in hardware/data products. Comfortable and experienced in delegating and requesting follow-up. Software development management. PMP certification preferred.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621994874", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621655319, "name": "Director Sustainability Product and Solutions", "location": "Holtsville, New York, United States", "locations": ["Holtsville, New York, United States", "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1725401340, "t_create": 1722882960, "ats_job_id": "106762", "display_job_id": "106762", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106762-en", "job_description": "Working across functions at Zebra, this leader will influence the broader sustainability culture and performance of the corporation. Develop a sustainability strategy for Product and Solutions that is aligned with the corporate sustainability vision and global best practices. Assemble and commission Sustainability Steering Committees representing key functions and geographies. Establish and govern the sustainability performance scorecard for Product and Solutions to assure alignment with corporate metrics and objectives, and drive behaviors and outcomes that enable Product and Solutions to become a sustainable enterprise. Support certification of the sustainability of our supply chain through upstream and downstream evaluation of third-party manufacturers, repair and distribution partners and our Zebra owned and operated footprint. Drive and monitor progress of integrating responsible business practices throughout Product and Solutions and partner to identify opportunities for product innovation and revenue growth. Provide actionable information and direction that assists in measuring and maximizing the impact of sustainability interventions and programs. Work with cross-functional business partners to prioritize sustainability issues, trends, concerns, and stakeholder interests related to environmental and business compliance. Provide sustainable business practice and policy recommendations. Partner with internal teams to respond to RFPs, customer inquiries, and those from socially responsible investors. Provide Product and Solutions teams objective feedback on strengths and opportunity areas associated with their sustainability initiatives and performance Bachelor's Degree 15+ years professional experience working in the sustainability field. Proven skills driving sustainability in product development environments. 3 + years of product related experience. Comparable experience in public agency or military continuous operations planning Demonstrated leadership success in corporate sustainability with a large public organization Deep understanding of current trends in ESG and sustainability Adept at facilitation, documentation, and reporting Collaborative professional intent on arriving at outcomes that are best for Zebra Strong working knowledge of global manufacturing/distribution end-to-end supply chains in outsourced and company-run models Working knowledge of global services delivery in outsourced and company-run models Excellent organizational, communication, influencing, and team skills (strong interpersonal skills) Project/process improvement expertise including application of Lean and 6\u03c3 tools Master's degree Applicable professional certifications", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621655319", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621987213, "name": "Lead Management, II", "location": "Penang, Malaysia", "locations": ["Penang, Malaysia"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1726116840, "t_create": 1724119080, "ats_job_id": "106968", "display_job_id": "106968", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106968-en", "job_description": "Provides call handling for all end-user customer inquiries (phone, email, chat, webform, tradeshow and social media); tracks all transactions in the lead mgmt system Follow-up on campaigns, perform s teleprofiling and data verification calls as and when required by Regional Marketing Ensures all inquiries are followed up and their status updated in the system to secure marketing database and reporting accuracy Promotes a positive image of product, technical skills and company commitment to provide quality customer service Ensures Zebra's sales resources and partners receive qualified and comprehensive leads Supports Sales/Partners by updating leads and data in the system on their behalf, assists with Allocation and program system rules Provides daily quality reporting and maintains accuracy, Trouble shoot and investigate lead transactions System training to Sales & Partners Qualified leads and support to Sales and Partners on lead management Quality and complete data in the system Reports for quality and lead generation metrics Pre-sale support to customers Active participation in system testing Outbound demand general call support as required Provides recommendations for newco lead management system and processes Create newco lead management, lead generation and follow-up processes BA/BS degree preferred or equivalent work experience 2-5 years experience in customer support, marketing or sales support Team worker Action oriented Customer focused Results driven Strong problem solving Excellent time and task management Ability to multitask CRM/PRM knowledge Excel/PowerPoint Strong communications skills both spoken and written, strong negotiation & selling skills Multilingual (EMEA) Awareness of regional and cultural differences Product portfolio and solutions knowledge Strong interpersonal and communication (written and verbal) skills Calm and confident telephone manner", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621987213", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621618521, "name": "Manager Project Management", "location": "Bourne End, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Bourne End, United Kingdom"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1726240620, "t_create": 1722522540, "ats_job_id": "106737", "display_job_id": "106737", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106737-en", "job_description": "Remote Work: Hybrid Overview: At Zebra, we are a community of innovators who come together to create new ways of working to make everyday life better. United by curiosity and care, we develop dynamic solutions that anticipate our customer's and partner's needs and solve their challenges. Being a part of Zebra Nation means being seen, heard, valued, and respected. Drawing from our diverse perspectives, we collaborate to deliver on our purpose. Here you are a part of a team pushing boundaries to redefine the work of tomorrow for organizations, their employees, and those they serve. You have opportunities to learn and lead at a forward-thinking company, defining your path to a fulfilling career while channeling your skills toward causes that you care about - locally and globally. We've only begun reimaging the future - for our people, our customers, and the world. Let's create tomorrow together. As a result of recent business wins, we have an exciting opportunity for experienced Senior Project Manager to join our diverse international team on a full-time basis. We offer a rewarding and inclusive environment where you will get to maximise your skills and experience in a fast-paced organization, you will be responsible for managing multiple software projects with our largest customers. Due to the nature of the requirement the individual needs to be a UK-national and ideally have security clearance as required by some of our customers. This is very much an EMEA role, and you will have the opportunity to both work and travel across EMEA in line with our customer projects. Zebra Technologies: Build Your Edge. Build what's next - Make your mark as we make the digital transformation a reality. We are looking for a Senior Project Manager to join the Professional Services business at Zebra, working with some of the biggest names in Retail, Manufacturing, Transport & Logistics, as they use our innovative technology solutions to transform their businesses. You will work directly with the customer, managing multiple projects at once across multiple locations throughout the UK. Responsibilities: Key duties will include: Manage regional project teams to ensure contract requirements (system delivery) are fulfilled on time, to specification, within budget and to the customer's total satisfaction Act as the responsible interface between the customer, the various company divisions/departments, vendors and any other involved parties, such as third-party subcontractors and suppliers Maintain alignment with the delivery organisation, the customer, account team and the sales engineering community Produce and maintain project and account budgets, P & L goals, revenue and cost forecasts Maintain project documentation in accordance with Zebra, customer contract and ISO Qualifications: About you: You will be experienced in delivering customer-facing Retail projects and have experience in implementing technology solutions. Being confident communicating to and working with a range of people from Senior Stakeholders to technical and non-technical individuals will be essential. Also enjoying working in a fast-paced and collaborative environment will be key to the success of this role. Who we are the changemakers. You will be joining a team of builders, doers and problem solvers. Our business was established 50 years ago, and we continue to innovate and disrupt the enterprise technology industry within the Retail sector, allowing them to offer a better customer journey both in-store and online. Why Zebra? We offer competitive fixed salary and performance linked bonus as well as a range of corporate benefits which support the lifestyle, professional development, health and learning of our people. UK benefits: 25 days holiday + public holidays Up to 32 hours paid time off per year to volunteer with a charity of your choice Reward & Recognition scheme - earn points to spend online Pension Scheme with a matched contribution up to 7% Private medical cover Access to an innovative online learning platform Cycle to work scheme Employee Assistance Program Zebra's culture is encouraging and collaborative where employees are encouraged to learn and grow together. This is a phenomenal time to join us - we are excited to hear from you! Equal Opportunities: We are committed to offering equal opportunities, and we encourage applications from all sections of the community. To protect candidates from falling victim to online fraudulent activity involving fake job postings and employment offers, please be aware our recruiters will always connect with you via @zebra.com email accounts. Applications are only accepted through our applicant tracking system and only accept personal identifying information through that system. Our Talent Acquisition team will not ask for you to provide personal identifying information via e-mail or outside of the system. If you are a victim of identity theft contact your local police department.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621618521", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622136198, "name": "Product Manager, Senior", "location": "Bourne End, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Bourne End, United Kingdom", "Remote, Czech Republic", "Remote, Spain", "Remote, France"], "hot": 0, "department": "Product Management", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1726243560, "t_create": 1724779020, "ats_job_id": "107050", "display_job_id": "107050", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107050-en", "job_description": "Manages the product definition, positioning, pricing and lifecycle management of a Fixed Industrial Scanner product line Conducts market, customer and competitive analysis in order to understand customer needs for his/her product line Conducts voice of customer research and Win Loss analysis to determine the strategic direction of the Fixed Industrial Scanner products and solutions Works closely with development teams to oversee new product development validating development is on spec. Identifies beta site targets, drafts and implements plans. Converts analysis into a coherent market requirements that defines product form, fit and function including functionality and feature prioritization, cost, sales volume and profitability expectations and expected competitive response Analyzes and interprets go to market requirements including geographical customer and market differences, channel partner needs, including end user and partner pricing requirements Articulates product positioning in terms of Zebra inter-line logic as well as competitive positioning Oversees the product launch plans to assure that his/her product is presented to the market as intended by the strategy Manages the product through the product lifecycle including analyzing product sales and profitability performance against financial plans Determines timing and need for mid-life kickers as competitive or customer needs change or technology advances warrant a change Manages the end-of-life process to gracefully transition customers to next generation products and prevent revenue gaps or excessive obsolescence charges Supports product launch by providing a comprehensive understanding of the value proposition. Deliver product training to sales, sales engineers, technical support and other internal and external stakeholders Is open to international travels to meet with stakeholders and clients Bachelor's degree in Business, Marketing, Operational Management 5+ years of experience in similar role Strong market acumen Experience with Voice of Customer and Win Loss analysis Strong attention to detail / quality Strong process adherence Fluent level of English (written and verbal) Demonstrates good judgment in decision making; applies knowledge and experience to guide decisions Strong business acumen Strong Presentation Skills Strong communication skills Advantage: experience with Fixed Industrial Scanners product portfolio", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "remote_local", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622136198", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 201, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, 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border:1px solid #0073E6 !important;
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/* Removing default navbar from the thank you for applying screen */
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/* changing chatbot colours, START */
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background-color: transparent!important;color: #146DA6!important;
#eightfold-chatbot .botui-actions-buttons-button.something-else {
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background-color:#0073E6 !important;
/* END *//* Removing the job cart button from the referrer page, START*/
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display: none !important;
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display: none !important;
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display: none !important;
#EFSmartReferContainer .position-apply-button {
/* END */
/*removing the white bar space from the top of the page, START*/
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display: none !important;
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/* Bootstrap colour overwrites, START */
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/* Search bar */
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color: #FFFFFF;
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/* Job Description Page */
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/* Button styling */
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