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", "icon": "fa-user-clock"}, {"description": "Expect fair compensation and equal opportunities for all our employees.", "title": "Competitive Pay", "icon": "fa-sack-dollar"}, {"title": "Inclusion & Diversity", "description": "Be you and feel a sense of belonging in an inclusive working culture offering Employee Resource Groups and more.", "icon": "fa-handshake perk-icon"}, {"title": "Learning & Development", "description": "Programs and experiences designed to help you grow your career and hone your knowledge and skills, including Tuition Reimbursement. ", "icon": "fa-book-reader"}, {"title": "Volunteer & Giving", "description": "Create a better world for communities and the environment with our volunteering programs & paid volunteer time. Our philanthropic efforts are far-reaching and steeped in generosity and passion of our employees. ", "icon": "fa-hand-holding-heart"}], "privacy": {"title": "Data Privacy", "button": "I Accept", "text": "By entering information here, you agree to submit information related to your application to Zebra Technologies Corporation and its affiliates (\u201cZebra\u201d). Information submitted is subject to Zebra\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.zebra.com/us/en/about-zebra/company-information/legal/privacy-statement.html\" >Privacy Policy</a>. Information submitted in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the United Kingdom and Turkey is subject to Zebra's <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=978791&hashed=-1158610107\" >EMEA Recruitment Privacy Notice</a> and <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=1085014&hashed=76655921\" >Turkey Privacy Consents for Recruitment</a>. Zebra may use and retain your information for up to 6 years as well as provide it to third parties or agencies which may, as applicable, process, transmit, store or retain it for the purpose of complying with applicable laws and regulations. Zebra may use third-party service providers to perform verification and/or background checks who may be located outside the country from which you are applying or reside. You also agree and consent to Zebra\u2019s use of third-party service providers, including but not limited to, iCIMS, Inc., who may process, transmit, and store the information you submit in your application. iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.icims.com/gc/Talent-Platform-Security-Policy/\">privacy statements and security policies</a> also apply. Please contact iCIMS, Inc. directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s policies.", "logged_out_notifications_text": "When you upload your resume, we provide job recommendations that will be emailed to you on a weekly basis. You can manage these notifications by selecting Manage Notifications from the email. Please confirm you agree to the Data Privacy."}, "navBar": {"opacity": 1, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/zebra/1652831607::pcs-logo-navbar", "link": "https://zebra.eightfold.ai/careers", "background": "#000000"}, "hideJobCart": false, "page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "job_page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "page_description": "Careers at Zebra", "hide_matched_section": true, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 343624168957, "name": "Product Marketing, Advisor", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "Holtsville, New York, United States", "Mississauga, Ontario, Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737753360, "t_create": 1736408400, "ats_job_id": "108148", "display_job_id": "108148", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108148-en", "job_description": "Working with a cross-functional team, the incumbent will be responsible for immersing themselves in Mobile Computer Software and Services Portfolios, allowing the candidate to develop, position, and message go-to-market strategy, sales enablement, and competitive analysis. Act as marketing's single point of contact for the Mobile Computing Software and Services Portfolios to various stakeholders -internal and external Owns Mobile Computing Software and Services offer launches, updates and versioning, and retire offers, working in alignment with global and regional product management, regional portfolio marketing leads, vertical marketing leads, channel and field marketing managers. Accountable for identifying the activities by audience, to promote the services portfolio by working cross-functionally with Zebra's hardware portfolio marketers. Identifies and comes up with innovative approaches to promote the Software and Services portfolios. The candidate can leverage the different channels that Zebra offers to engage with different audiences to ensure the portfolios are fairly represented (AR, PR, Social, and Corporate Communications). Ensure we deliver on strategy & messaging for Software and Services at key events. Responsible for monitoring and driving organizational response to primary competitors' regional marketing campaigns, messaging, etc. Leads regional marketing participation and owns marketing on Mobile Computing Software and Services launch calls (global and regional) to ensure regional GTM readiness from a marketing perspective Manage promotional, incentive and rebate strategy in region as part of a holistic GTM plan to accelerate pipeline and drive additional commercial focus where needed in alignment with the overall GTM plan for the portfolios Works closely with the Mobile Computing Software and Services business units to help identify the right strategy to influence Software and Services purchase. The candidate must have experience implementing promotions, rebates, or incentive strategies to accelerate pipeline and increase Software and Services attachment to hardware purchases. Knowledge of Channel Marketing activities and clear understanding of B2B go-to market. Manages content creation from inception through delivery. Owns NA GTM planning and partner with in-region vertical/field/channel/digital marketing to execute GTM activation plans. Generates portfolio pipeline - marketing influenced & driven. Ensures successful zebra and channel partner seller adoption of enablement materials. Supports impactful Software and Services, cross-vertical initiatives in region. BA/BS degree in relatable field 8+ years of product marketing and/or comparable product management, development experience Candidates must have strong experience in software marketing and a deep understanding of the challenges software products face when going to market. Candidates should have demonstrated expertise in managing the entire product lifecycle, from New Program Introduction (NPI) to End Of Life (EOL). Clarity of thinking & vision - keen prioritization skills Organizational Agility: Matrix, indirect management Influence/Negotiation/Partnership skills with product teams Drive results and execution through a virtual team, Ability to thrive in matrixed organization environment Ability to technically understand how products fit in to create and deliver a solution Excellent presentation & communication skills Understanding of holistic go-to-market readiness, especially readiness of different channels for the portfolio at large Competitive analysis, with a focus on neutralizing and responding to marketing tactics in region Demonstrated willingness to actively participate with vertical marketing teams", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624168957", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343623670690, "name": "Machine Vision Solutions Marketing, Advisor", "location": "Bourne End, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Bourne End, United Kingdom"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737733500, "t_create": 1733317020, "ats_job_id": "107913", "display_job_id": "107913", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107913-en", "job_description": "Working with a cross-functional team, the incumbent will be responsible for developing, positioning and messaging a pan-region go-to-market strategy to meet EMEA objectives. Act as EMEA marketing's single point of contact for machine vision and fixed scanning portfolio marketing activities to various stakeholders - internal and external Develop and execute the EMEA Marketing Plan for Machine Vision and Fixed Industrial Scanning including campaigns, events, Account Based Marketing, sales and channel enablement. Ensure alignment with all key stakeholders including regional sales leadership. Manage program budgets. Build and execute plan to support key identified partners to support EMEA's objectives in collaboration with the Field Marketing team. Manage MDF budget. Launch and ramp new hardware and software into the EMEA market. Represent EMEA within the global launch process. Guide sales and channel enablement, demand generation and awareness programmes Run weekly plan update calls with all key stakeholders to ensure alignment at all times Drive successful seller adoption of enablement materials and attendance of portfolio related events Capture and review progress on a regular basis to share with key stakeholders, optimise performance and meet EMEA's objectives. Adjust plans if and when needed. BA/BS degree in relatable field 5+ years in marketing including Machine Vision experience Strategic Thinking and converting strategy into execution Organizational Agility: Matrix, direct and indirect management Exceptional Influencing Skills Commercial acumen Partnership skills with sales senior management People Development/Management/Change Management Drive results and execution through a virtual team Ability to technically understand how products fit in to create and deliver a solution Excellent presentation & communication skills Staff management Budget management - planning, forecasting, etc. Understanding of the complex business go to market model", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343623670690", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343623604116, "name": "Director Product Marketing", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "Holtsville, New York, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1736446140, "t_create": 1732651800, "ats_job_id": "107853", "display_job_id": "107853", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107853-en", "job_description": "Owns, develops, and manages the global marketing GTM strategy for the introduction and lifecycle of products to drive value creation and revenue growth, and ensures alignment of relevant marketing activities with product management & sales organizations Lead development of GTM Strategy along with sales and business unit leadership, including reputation, demand creation, plus sales, channel enablement and market intelligence tactics. Develops annual and quarterly top-level portfolio marketing plans based on key objectives of BU's, Regional Marketing, Vertical Marketing, Channels, and Sales; Collaborates with the Analyst Relations, PR, Digital, Vertical, Campaign, Brand, Channel, and Regional Marketing teams to drive the execution of these holistic marketing plans for assigned portfolio(s) Defines a compelling market position for each segment of our EMC portfolio which aligns with our brand strategy and evolves the positioning strategy based on organic and inorganic R&D efforts, shifts in market requirements, and a dynamic competitive landscape Leads and nurtures a properly staffed, well organized, and highly motivated team; Determines team member assignments, documents, communicates deliverables, provides budget guidance, and drives execution of all positioning, strategic messaging, and content development for key products within the portfolio Oversees global New Product Introduction (NPI) & lifecycle marketing program elements as assigned, including cross-functional alignment on roadmaps and distribution to key work partners in the business. Serves as the North America Portfolio Marketing leader for New Product Introduction (NPI) & lifecycle marketing programs. Drives and leverages the Zebra product lifecycle marketing (ZLM) process for introducing new products to market, including those sold both through direct and indirect channels Manages the marketing aspects of end-of-life (EOL) and end-of-service (EOS) processes together with the business unit and regional/channel marketing teams in order to protect the customer and partner experience with the brand Partners with other leaders and staff within the Portfolio Marketing team to ensure that the Zebra portfolio is effectively represented within our audience-based content and campaigns, and champions portfolio-specific campaigns which are tied to our growth priorities for the business Allocates and measures return on investment for a significant marketing budget and a staff of marketing professionals, serving as both a direct manager and a mentor Partners closely with the Global Enablement organization to ensure that Zebra sales associates and qualified channel partners are empowered with the value propositions, sales tools, and customer references required to successfully close new business Champions cross-sell and attach marketing through web merchandising with our Digital Marketing team and acts as SME for the Product Information Management (PIM) solution on behalf of our channel partner ecosystem Plays a leadership role representing the Portfolio Marketing team as part of our marketing priorities. Performs other duties as assigned BA/BS (ideally in Marketing, Communications, Journalism or Business) 15+ years of experience, including 10+ years in a marketing department or agency (ideally with product management, product launch marketing and campaign marketing experience) and 7+ years directly managing a team/supervising others/leadership Experience and results in B2B technology marketing and past global responsibilities and familiarity with indirect sales and fulfillment channels Skilled leader, with demonstrated capability in building a team and elevating its performance over a cycle including a track record of attracting and developing top talent Knowledge of PLM (product lifecycle management) and best practices for introducing new products to market, within B2B Strong business acumen - proven understanding of product development, channel/sales processes, systems & tools including strategic budgetary management Deep experience in seller enablement content and program development for direct and indirect (channel) sales teams is essential Skilled at messaging strategy, competitive positioning, and a demonstrated talent for simplifying the complex to \"cut through the clutter\" Familiarity with modern account-based marketing approaches and the requisite skillset required to develop thought leadership and demand generation programs Experience working across a global go-to-market operation and interfacing with key P&L leaders responsible for R&D and product management is paramount Accountability for key content development, particularly high value CTA assets for awareness, demand generation, and seller enablement marketing programs", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343623604116", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343623430667, "name": "Field Marketing, Advisor", "location": "Bogota, Colombia", "locations": ["Bogota, Colombia"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Unknown", "t_update": 1737751860, "t_create": 1731511320, "ats_job_id": "107709", "display_job_id": "107709", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107709-en", "job_description": "Lead development of Local GTM Strategy aligned with the yearly/quarterly strategic objectives Collaborate with Vertical Marketing Manager and Sales Leadership to develop all initiatives including brand awareness, demand creation, including events, ABM campaigns, and sales enablement tools Own content and campaign creation and regionalization to align with top sales priorities in territory Leverage multiple marketing functions including sales, business intelligence, strategy, campaign marketing, portfolio marketing, product marketing and services, to support the achievement of the regional sales target Manage marketing support for key, strategic, named and territory accounts across multiple routes to market - direct, partner, distribution, etc. Support Healthcare sales to build, nurture and leverage a customer reference pipeline in region Support in-country NPI and PR activities, in partnership with global marketing team Maintain and develop database of successful seller enablement materials BA/BS degree or equivalent specified vertical business experience 8+ years B2B marketing experience with five years' experience with supporting a specified vertical Ability to think and act strategically and deliver operational planning alongside Sales leadership to balance the long- and short-term priorities Fluent level of English (written and verbal) as well as local language as applicable Experience with Eloqua, Salesforce, and Demand base MDF Agility and leadership in working with and influencing virtual teams preferred Fiscal responsibility via budget and project management preferred Travel Requirements: Up to 25% travel for regional events and training, as needed Able to telework a hybrid work culture including 3 days in the office and 2 days home Bogota, Colombia To protect candidates from falling victim to online fraudulent activity involving fake job postings and employment offers, please be aware our recruiters will always connect with you via @zebra.com email accounts. Applications are only accepted through our applicant tracking system and only accept personal identifying information through that system. Our Talent Acquisition team will not ask for you to provide personal identifying information via e-mail or outside of the system. If you are a victim of identity theft contact your local police department.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343623430667", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624136616, "name": "Creative Agency Account Manager, I", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737501360, "t_create": 1736263560, "ats_job_id": "108135", "display_job_id": "108135", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108135-en", "job_description": "Leads account management activities for specific lines of business including input gathering, brief finalization, clarifying stakeholder feedback, and long-term roadmap planning Serves as primary agency point of contact for clients, understanding their overall business goals, providing strategic leadership and ensuring expectations are met Coordinates the production of creative content assets such as landing pages, emails, advertising campaigns, videos and multimedia, interactive web content, case studies, brochures, presentations and more throughout the lifecycle of the project Builds and maintains relationships across the marketing organization Partners with internal agency team to develop creative solutions to client objectives, oversee project execution, communicate status and resolve issues as needed Ensures all creative is of high quality and aligns with brand vision and guidelines Manages overall budget of assigned accounts and ensures pipeline and resources are aligned accordingly BA/BS in Marketing, Communications, Advertising, Business or similar. Equivalent work experience will be considered Experience working in a marketing department or creative agency Proven history managing client relationships and driving strategic vision in a creative environment Excellent communicator with strong presentation skills Experience working in project management and collaboration software such as Workfront or Basecamp Detailed understanding of the creative production process and experience collaboration with project managers, creative directors, copywriters, designers, videographers and other and other creative resources", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624136616", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343623505506, "name": "Pre-sales Specialist with Italian and English", "location": "Brno, Czech Republic", "locations": ["Brno, Czech Republic"], "hot": 0, "department": "Sales", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737726060, "t_create": 1731940980, "ats_job_id": "107749", "display_job_id": "107749", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107749-en", "job_description": "Provides call handling for all end-user customer inquiries (phone, email, chat, webform); tracks all transactions in the lead mgmt system Ensures all inquiries are followed up and their status updated in the system to secure marketing database and reporting accuracy Promotes a positive image of products and company commitment to provide quality customer service Ensures Zebra's sales resources and partners receive qualified and comprehensive leads Supports Sales/Partners by updating leads and data in the system on their behalf, assists with Allocation and program system rules System training to Sales & Partners Qualified leads and support to Sales and Partners on lead management Quality and complete data in the system Pre-sale support to customers Active participation in system testing BA/BS degree preferred or equivalent work experience 2-5 years experience in customer support, marketing or sales support Team worker Action oriented Customer focused Results driven Strong problem solving Excellent time and task management Ability to multitask CRM/PRM knowledge Excel/PowerPoint Strong communications skills both spoken and written, strong negotiation & selling skills Multilingual (EMEA) Awareness of regional and cultural differences Product portfolio and solutions knowledge Strong interpersonal and communication (written and verbal) skills Calm and confident telephone manner", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343623505506", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343623424347, "name": "Survey Market Data Analyst, II", "location": "Brno, Czech Republic", "locations": ["Brno, Czech Republic"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737732960, "t_create": 1731451620, "ats_job_id": "107702", "display_job_id": "107702", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107702-en", "job_description": "Work with senior team members to understand the business need and translate them into an appropriate research design Delivers report in format to aid business stakeholder interpretation (pivot tables, graphs, etc.) Reviews existing reports for data accuracy; Proposes resolutions for quality issues of limited scope to more senior level analysts and/or supervisor; Support business units and marketing teams on intelligence/research requests Utilizes analytical working techniques, problem solving, research/quantitative analysis skills to generate recommendations Identifies and interprets trends and patterns in datasets to locate influences May be responsible for data governance processes and quality in assigned area of responsibility Identify the key skills and competencies, education and work experience requirements and special licenses or certifications needed to competently perform the role. o Bachelor's degree in Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Management, Marketing or Finance o 2+ years of professional experience in a similar position o DAX coding highly advantageous o Strong analytical skills - data cleaning and preparation, analyze data to extract answers to business questions o Ability to present data in a visually compelling format o Ability to work independently o Strong attitude to learn and grow within the company, potentially willingness to learn machine learning", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "hybrid", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343623424347", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624026137, "name": "Senior Executive Communications Specialist", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Human Resources", "t_update": 1737473940, "t_create": 1734699360, "ats_job_id": "108053", "display_job_id": "108053", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108053-en", "job_description": "Sets clear goals and objectives and assess the effectiveness of executive communications initiatives. Measures ROI on communications initiatives activities to help prioritize resources for maximum impact. Manages editorial process for employee-facing communications. Responsible for drafting, creating and proofing related content. Ensures consistent and coordinated execution of executive communication plans and initiatives. Provides counsel to leaders on effective employee, customers and partner communications - both written and verbal to help them more effectively deliver compelling messages through communications vehicles (Speeches, Memos, Presentations, Videos, and Digital). Leads assigned business units' content development for the intranet. This includes sharing stories of employees living the brand, engaging employees, shaping the market narrative, advancing our corporate focus on 'customer needs' at the center. Manages the planning and execution of communications to engage corporate and regional employees in a dialogue. Promotes alignment to corporate mission & strategy and ensure consistent messaging across the organization through multiple channels. Assists with issues monitoring to help identify and mitigate risk and help protect brand reputation. Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, Public Relations or similar 5+ years of experience, preferably with B2B, technology or channel experience. Agency experience a plus. Excellent storyteller who has the desire and ability to understand business and develop strategies that bring it alive and help different stakeholders understand how they fit. Demonstrated commitment to quality and detail. Organized and personable with strong written and oral communication skills. Proven ability to work with different stakeholders and teams in a global organization while balancing multiple priorities and meeting deadlines in a fast-paced business environment. Strong interpersonal skills and business acumen. Results-oriented, with a discipline of measurement around Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Solid project management skills are a must, including the ability to manage multiple projects and a dynamic work environment. Proficiency in using a range of technology tools (such as email platforms, SharePoint, Smartsheet, PowerPoint and Canva) to support communication activities across the organization. Experience working in video production, presentation development and social media a plus", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624026137", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624283566, "name": "Sales Effectiveness Manager", "location": "Raleigh, North Carolina, United States", "locations": ["Raleigh, North Carolina, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1737752640, "t_create": 1737042960, "ats_job_id": "108222", "display_job_id": "108222", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108222-en", "job_description": "Overesee the creation of Sales Plays, ensuring alignment with company goals and objectives Manage multiple projects simultaneously and prioritize tasks across projects to meet deadlines Checks progress regularly against the plan and makes adjustments to optimize execution. Recommends alternative opportunities to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Documents progress against the project plan throughout the project. Formulates status reports and presents to the team and immediate manager. Status reports are expected to be concise summaries, tailored to the audience - from leadership down to individual contributors. Personally knowledgeable on most aspects of the program, down to a reasonable level of detail. Has the ability to see cross-functional impacts of decisions and project plans and execution. Shares those impacts along with associated risks with leadership. Balances scope, schedule and budget considerations to adjust the project with minimal impact to the business. Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles or delays. Adjusts the plan per management guidelines as delays or obstacles are experienced. Leads multiple limited to moderate scope projects simultaneously or manage part of a larger program with moderate guidance from management. May manage simpler, multi-team projects with similar resources and budgets. Work with cross-functional teams to develop effective sales messaging, collateral, and training materials Monitor and report on the success of Sales Play and make recommendations for adjustments as needed Bachelors Degree 8+ years of relevant experience in both operational and field sales experience (B2B preferred) Proven track record of managing and executing successful sales campaigns Demonstrated comfort in presenting to mid to senior level cross functional audiences Intermediate to advanced skills in PC based documentation tools including MS Office and MS Project PMP certification preferred Innovative mindset that demonstrates a high level of imagination and creativity to solve complex organization and process issues Intermediate to advanced communication and facilitation skills. Formal training preferred Intermediate to advanced presentation skills Intermediate to advanced skills in delegation and follow up Ability to work cross-functionally with all levels of the organization Solid organizational skills Strong problem solving skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624283566", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624298880, "name": "Art Director", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1737759840, "t_create": 1737131880, "ats_job_id": "108232", "display_job_id": "108232", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108232-en", "job_description": "Participates and contributes to project ideation and conceptual development based on variety of project needs, including creation of sketches, moodboards and storyboards for campaigns as well as video production Participates in creative brainstorm sessions Delivers high quality creative designs that effectively meet marketing objectives, follow brand strategy and stay within budget and timelines provided Develops a creative initiative from start to finish, partnering with a cross functional creative team in the development of the strategy, conception, design and execution of visual materials ranging from: print, digital, collateral, video, event space, product/vertical, social and thought-leadership pieces Collaborates with marketing stakeholders and subject-matter experts to develop best-in-class marketing materials Consistently demonstrates an understanding of Zebra's brand standards, and serve as a brand steward Generates clear ideas and concepts in tandem with copywriters, designers and video team Experienced in storytelling using marketing initiatives, strategic positioning and target audience Takes work from concept to final execution within deadlines Stays on top of all trends and maintain best practices Works collaboratively with Creative Manager to build on and execute against global initiatives Ability to develop a rich understanding of our products and brands Proficiency with design software, such as Adobe Creative Suite (specifically InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator) Proficiency in PowerPoint - Occasional need for ppt presentation work Some proficiency with Figma is preferred Produces sketches, comps, roughs to visualize ideas if necessary Excellent communication, collaboration, problem-solving, project-management and time management skills Superior attention to detail - have a production eye Confident self-starter who is comfortable presenting/selling creative and pushing the envelope", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624298880", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 163, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "marketing", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": [], "departments": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": {"display_config": {"fields": [{"data": "location", "icon": "mdiMapMarker"}, {"data": "department", "icon": "mdiBriefcaseOutline"}], "title": "name", "show_apply_btn": true, "show_job_cart_btn": true}, "enabled": true}, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {}, "departments": {"Engineering": 60, "Sales": 44, "Manufacturing": 27, "Supply Chain": 25, "Corporate and Business Services": 22, "Customer Service / Support": 17, "Information Technology": 17, "Marketing": 13, "Finance": 10, "Strategic Planning and Corporate Development": 7, "Human Resources": 5, "Corporate Affairs": 1, "Quality": 1}, "seniority": {}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Bengaluru, KA, India": 29, "Brno, South Moravian Region, Czechia": 27, "Lincolnshire, IL, United States": 27, "Penang, Malaysia": 23, "England, United Kingdom": 15, "Pune, MH, India": 14, "M\u00e9xico D.F., CDMX, Mexico": 13, "Holtsville, NY, United States": 11, "Greenville, WI, United States": 10, "Kenosha, WI, United States": 10, "Bentonville, AR, United States": 8, "Morris Plains, NJ, United States": 7, "Flowery Branch, GA, United States": 6, "London, England, United Kingdom": 6, "Tokyo, Japan": 6, "Mississauga, ON, Canada": 5, "Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China": 4, "Austin, TX, United States": 3, "Bogot\u00e1, Bogota, Colombia": 3, "Buffalo Grove, IL, United States": 3, "Heerenveen, FR, Netherlands": 3, "Preston, England, United Kingdom": 3, "Taipei City, Taiwan": 3, "Chicago, IL, United States": 2, "Hanoi, Viet Nam": 2, "Kennesaw, GA, United States": 2, "Richmond, VA, United States": 2, "San Jose, CA, United States": 2, "San Pedro Garza Garc\u00eda, N.L., Mexico": 2, "Singapore": 2, "S\u00e3o Paulo, SP, Brazil": 2, "Annapolis, MD, United States": 1, "Colombo, WP, Sri Lanka": 1, "Dubai, United Arab Emirates": 1, "Fort Worth, TX, United States": 1, "Frisco, TX, United States": 1, "Germantown, MD, United States": 1, "Glen Waverley, VIC, Australia": 1, "Gliwice, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam": 1, "West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia": 1, "Stockholm County, Sweden": 1, "Lancaster, England, United Kingdom": 1, "Lansing, MI, United States": 1, "Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia": 1, "VIC, Australia": 1, "Opole, Opole Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Osaka, Japan": 1, "Raleigh, NC, United States": 1, "Rungis, \u00cele-de-France, France": 1, "Seoul, Korea, Republic of": 1, "Springfield, IL, United States": 1, "St Paul, MN, United States": 1, "NSW, Australia": 1, "Toronto, ON, Canada": 1, "Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Washington, DC, United States": 1, "Wroc\u0142aw, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Mexico": 1}}, "isSubQuery": false, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": null, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=zebra.com", "title": "What's next? 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