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", "icon": "fa-user-clock"}, {"description": "Expect fair compensation and equal opportunities for all our employees.", "title": "Competitive Pay", "icon": "fa-sack-dollar"}, {"title": "Inclusion & Diversity", "description": "Be you and feel a sense of belonging in an inclusive working culture offering Employee Resource Groups and more.", "icon": "fa-handshake perk-icon"}, {"title": "Learning & Development", "description": "Programs and experiences designed to help you grow your career and hone your knowledge and skills, including Tuition Reimbursement. ", "icon": "fa-book-reader"}, {"title": "Volunteer & Giving", "description": "Create a better world for communities and the environment with our volunteering programs & paid volunteer time. Our philanthropic efforts are far-reaching and steeped in generosity and passion of our employees. ", "icon": "fa-hand-holding-heart"}], "privacy": {"title": "Data Privacy", "button": "I Accept", "text": "By entering information here, you agree to submit information related to your application to Zebra Technologies Corporation and its affiliates (\u201cZebra\u201d). Information submitted is subject to Zebra\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.zebra.com/us/en/about-zebra/company-information/legal/privacy-statement.html\" >Privacy Policy</a>. Information submitted in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the United Kingdom and Turkey is subject to Zebra's <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=978791&hashed=-1158610107\" >EMEA Recruitment Privacy Notice</a> and <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=1085014&hashed=76655921\" >Turkey Privacy Consents for Recruitment</a>. Zebra may use and retain your information for up to 6 years as well as provide it to third parties or agencies which may, as applicable, process, transmit, store or retain it for the purpose of complying with applicable laws and regulations. Zebra may use third-party service providers to perform verification and/or background checks who may be located outside the country from which you are applying or reside. You also agree and consent to Zebra\u2019s use of third-party service providers, including but not limited to, iCIMS, Inc., who may process, transmit, and store the information you submit in your application. iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.icims.com/gc/Talent-Platform-Security-Policy/\">privacy statements and security policies</a> also apply. Please contact iCIMS, Inc. directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s policies.", "logged_out_notifications_text": "When you upload your resume, we provide job recommendations that will be emailed to you on a weekly basis. You can manage these notifications by selecting Manage Notifications from the email. Please confirm you agree to the Data Privacy."}, "navBar": {"opacity": 1, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/zebra/1652831607::pcs-logo-navbar", "link": "https://zebra.eightfold.ai/careers", "background": "#000000"}, "hideJobCart": false, "page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "job_page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "page_description": "Careers at Zebra", "hide_matched_section": true, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 343621630761, "name": "2025 Summer Internship (US) - Marketing Technology", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "CEO", "t_update": 1726263480, "t_create": 1722615000, "ats_job_id": "106749", "display_job_id": "106749", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106749-en", "job_description": "Works with Product Owners and Stakeholders on developing requirements for enhancements and projects Learns and assists with prioritization of an enterprise level backlog Collaborates with Marketing IT to execute and deliver requirements for stakeholders Reviews Smart Sheet intake process for Marketing Technologies and work with stakeholders to ensure all necessary fields are covered Reviews intake process flow and provides feedback Develops communication plan on the intake process and overall sprint stakeholder readouts Current enrollment in an undergraduate degree program in Marketing, Business Administration, Communications, Science & relevant Must have an anticipated graduation date between December 2025-Spring 2027 Must be authorized to work in the US without requiring sponsorship now or in the future Must be able to work hybrid schedule from Lincolnshire, IL (3 days in office, 2 remote days per week) Experience with Miro PowerPoint or other presentation platforms Experience with JIRA, Trello, or other ticketing systems Exceptional organizational skills Ability to identify and react to issues quickly Proficient in Microsoft Office (including Excel, Word, & PowerPoint) Intellectual curiosity with a strong desire to learn and grow Proven leadership and excellence in professional, academic, and/or extracurricular experiences Ability to collaborate as part of a team Effective verbal and written communication skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621630761", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621608773, "name": "Director Vertical & Field Marketing", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "Holtsville, New York, United States", "Holtsville, NY", "remote"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1722621060, "t_create": 1722445680, "ats_job_id": "106722", "display_job_id": "106722", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106722-en", "job_description": "Remote Work: Yes Overview: At Zebra, we are a community of innovators who come together to create new ways of working to make everyday life better. United by curiosity and care, we develop dynamic solutions that anticipate our customer's and partner's needs and solve their challenges. Being a part of Zebra Nation means being seen, heard, valued, and respected. Drawing from our diverse perspectives, we collaborate to deliver on our purpose. Here you are a part of a team pushing boundaries to redefine the work of tomorrow for organizations, their employees, and those they serve. You have opportunities to learn and lead at a forward-thinking company, defining your path to a fulfilling career while channeling your skills toward causes that you care about - locally and globally. We've only begun reimaging the future - for our people, our customers, and the world. Let's create tomorrow together. The primary responsibility of the Director of Vertical and Field Marketing is to lead the cross-functional regional marketing team to develop and maintain industry-specific consolidated marketing strategies for each of the vertical markets prioritized within the region. Additional responsibility includes the leadership of a team of in-territory field marketers to work in partnership with area sales leadership to profile, identify, and penetrate new high-potential accounts through a scalable and robust Account Based Marketing strategy and to develop mature accounts through pipeline expansion and acceleration programs, including the Customer Briefing Program. In total, the leader holding this role must excel at the localization of global/regional campaigns, execution of events and major trade shows, sales engagement and enablement programs, and the strategic leverage of MDF with leading industry channel partners to complement centrally developed and activated marketing programs. Ideal candidate will work hybrid from our Lincolnshire, IL office or Holtsville, NY office. May consider Remote for right candidate Responsibilities: Lead development of Regional Vertical GTM Strategy along with vertical sales leadership, including reputation, demand creation (including events & ABMs), plus sales / channel enablement and market intelligence tactics Translate regional vertical GTM strategy into a comprehensive regional GTM marketing plan for each of the core four verticals on an annual and quarterly basis so that other marketing and sales functions can align for maximum impact Contribute to Global Industry Solutions Marketing strategy to ensure regional view is correctly represented in upstream (strategic) and downstream (campaign) global marketing efforts Orchestrate across multiple marketing and GTM functions to successfully execute against the annual regional vertical marketing plan for all core four vertical markets, plus lead the expansion into new vertical markets with growth potential Accountable for key content development, particularly high value CTA assets for thought leadership & lead generation and account-based marketing programs to expand and close pipeline in targeted accounts Manage a field marketing organization to ensure coverage of marketing support for key, strategic, named and territory accounts across multiple routes to market - direct, partner, distribution, etc. Build & nurture a robust customer reference pipeline in region, and maintain & mature a customer advisory program to ensure we are strategically aligned with the key trends and preferences within the top accounts of the industries we serve Successful seller adoption of marketing-generated enablement materials and marketing-generated leads, measured by way of content utilization and lead conversion rates Qualifications: Minimum Requirements: Bachelor's Degree -BA/BS degree in relatable field; 15+ years of experience in a Marketing Role with previous experience in the \"Big Core 4\" Vertical Markets (ie Retail, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Government) and relevant business development experience 5+ years of management/supervisory/leadership experience Strategic marketing - prioritization, segmentation, sizing, and spend Advanced understanding of portfolio for effective positioning and execution within a vertical Understanding of complex business go to market models Operational Planning alongside sales leadership to balance the longer game with shorter term sales priorities. Organizational Agility: Matrixed, direct and indirect management. Ability to thrive in a matrixed environment Budget management, Event management Ability to influence global teams to meet unique local needs Accountable for results, transparent with peers & staff Familiarity with inquiry management & lead routing systems - CRM, PRM Leading change Demonstrated capability to drive results and manage execution thru both direct and virtual teams Preferred Requirements: Master's degree preferred. Zebra is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, national origin, disability and protected veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. If you are an individual with a disability and need assistance in applying for a position, please contact us at workplace.accommodations@zebra.com. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform crucial job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Know Your Rights: https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2022-10/EEOC_KnowYourRights_screen_reader_10_20.pdf Conozca sus Derechos: https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2022-10/22-088_EEOC_KnowYourRightsSp_10_20.pdf We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform crucial job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. Zebra is a federal contractor and is committed to an alcohol and drug free workplace. As a result, all U.S. based employees are subject to the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy and Procedure. Zebra Total Rewards includes more than just pay and is structured to meet the needs of our changing global business and evolving talent. We are committed to providing our employees with a benefits program that is comprehensive and competitive - including healthcare, wellness, inclusion networks, and continued learning and development offerings. We offer community service days, in addition to the traditional insurances, compensation, parental leave, employee assistance program and paid time off offerings depending on the country where you work. Salary: USD 150400.00 - USD 225600.00 Yearly Salary offered will vary depending on your location, job-related skills, knowledge, and experience. Additionally, all Zebra roles are eligible for cash incentive programs. For example, sales roles have additional opportunity to earn substantial variable compensation tied to quota achievement. In most other roles, the Zebra annual cash incentive program links Company and individual performance together. Some roles may also be eligible for long-term incentive equity awards. To protect candidates from falling victim to online fraudulent activity involving fake job postings and employment offers, please be aware our recruiters will always connect with you via @zebra.com email accounts. Applications are only accepted through our applicant tracking system and only accept personal identifying information through that system. Our Talent Acquisition team will not ask for you to provide personal identifying information via e-mail or outside of the system. If you are a victim of identity theft contact your local police department.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621608773", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622727750, "name": "Web Development and Marketing, I", "location": "Bogota, Colombia", "locations": ["Bogota, Colombia"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1728068700, "t_create": 1727750100, "ats_job_id": "107352", "display_job_id": "107352", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107352-en", "job_description": "Working independently with limited supervision, this position is accountable for publishing thought leadership content for our Your Edge blog and podcast platforms as well as videos for social media. Produces content used primarily in awareness and thought leadership activities. Works in alignment with the Editor in Chief of the Your Edge Blog and Podcast to finalize podcast episodes (i.e., review and edit transcripts, assist with translation quality checks, apply subtitles) and then load and publish blog posts and podcasts to AEM, Podbean, YouTube, and other content hosting platforms. Assists with notifying internal stakeholders of published content for sales, marketing and channel activation. Also works with the Zebra Social Media Team to help record and edit Social live videos for our Zebra social media channels. Supports reporting to measure impact of blog and podcasts. BA/BS in Marketing, Communications, Journalism or Business 2+ years of experience with marketing or PR content creation Strong copywriter and editor/reviewer Knowledge of project management principles and methodologies, in particular as it relates to content development and content marketing Digital content production management experience including content creation for blogs, podcasts and social media Experience with content management systems (CMS) and podcast/video editing software (i.e., Adobe Premier Pro) required; Adobe Experience Experience with digital asset management systems and tools such as Jira, Podbean, Socialive a plus Ability to work independently and with global colleagues in a fast-turn, newsroom-type environment; must be able to meet tight deadlines without compromising on quality. Keeping up with the latest trends and best practices in both web development and digital marketing. Ability to quickly adapt to new technologies, tools, and changing market conditions.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622727750", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622636731, "name": "Marketing Developer, II", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "Holtsville, New York, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1727898360, "t_create": 1727228340, "ats_job_id": "107296", "display_job_id": "107296", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107296-en", "job_description": "Helps support strategic goals and objectives. Acts as an advocate for the overall developer strategy across BUs, sales, and marketing. Develops the content strategy and influence the launch and availability of developer-focused materials, that are used for marketing / influencing purposes of our developer audiences including but not limited to the Developer Portal, Zebra.com. Works with the product business units, regional developer advocates, and global marketing to build a collaborative approach with our developer community. Defines requirements to current BU, marketing, and sales approaches and processes to enable a more effective implementation of the developer content strategy; Be a champion of change. Supports the development and execution of virtual and in person engagement strategy for our developer community, that includes webinars, industry-events, podcasts, and other ways to engage with the community that is in relationship to allocated budgets and resources. Establishes regional, vertical, and global metrics to monitor and manage implementation of the strategy. Works with our Public Relations team to enable Zebra developer experts in speaking engagements, forums, and events as needed to promote and position Zebra's developer strategy and engage ISVs and developers. 2+ years of experience in creating and implementing a developer relationships and strategies Knowledge of product launch and product development processes 10% travel (some international) Bachelor's degree/Master's degree preferred Prefer candidates to work hybrid in Lincolnshire, IL or Holtsville, NY (remote candidates may be considered) Experience with multiple types of indirect channels and distribution models at an international level Strong analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills (written and verbal) Skilled at successfully leading teams of indirect reports to achieve goals and objectives Experience working with developers, ISV communities, and partner channels Strong team leadership skills, able to facilitate change and engage others in execution of strategic goals Knowledge of application development and marketing Comfortable working at all levels, including C-Suite and external business owners Exceptional presentation skills Effective negotiation skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622636731", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622477047, "name": "Channel Marketing, Advisor - 12 Month FTC", "location": "Bourne End, United Kingdom", "locations": ["Bourne End, United Kingdom"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1727466060, "t_create": 1726216980, "ats_job_id": "107229", "display_job_id": "107229", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107229-en", "job_description": "Participates in creation of the channel marketing strategy and plan that is aligned with the region's marketing and sales goals (includes distribution). Supports and implements tactical channel promotions , events & incentives. Supports partners on new marketing program tools, platforms and processes. Be able to analyse data to help drive and adopt Channel Programs aimed at growing revenue within Channel Partners Able to work across EMEA, working with key stakeholders from the Sales, Product Management, Finance, Operations & Legal teams. Able to interact globally and leading Channel calls, presenting & sharing key information. We are looking for a Channel advocate, somebody who understands the Channel and is a Channel Champion both internally and externally representing Zebra and our Distributors. This person will have had experience within the B2B Marketing space, with Distribution or Channel experience a plus. Strong organisation and prioritising skills will help you to succeed in driving decisions and delivering results on short timelines.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622477047", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622240146, "name": "Machine Vision Technical Product Marketing Specialist", "location": "Dorval, Canada", "locations": ["Dorval, Canada"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1727735340, "t_create": 1725383460, "ats_job_id": "107114", "display_job_id": "107114", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107114-en", "job_description": "Works within a cross-functional team of BU, Sales and Marketing constituents in the development of technical marketing programs to support the position of Zebra as an industry leader in the machine vision industry. Manages creation of technical content from inception through delivery Supports the development and training of channel partners to deliver technical solutions for the business Guides product lifecycle programs working in alignment with vertical marketing leads, channel marketing managers and field marketing managers Guides AR, PR, Social, and Corporate Communications programs for responsible product/solution Ensures we deliver on strategy & messaging for products at key events Responsible for monitoring and driving organizational response to primary competitors' regional marketing campaigns, messaging, etc. Manages creation of technical content from inception through delivery Supports portfolio's product pipeline - marketing influenced & driven Ensures successful adoption of enablement materials Supports impactful portfolio-specific, cross-vertical initiatives in region Guide les programmes de cycle de vie des produits en s'alignant avec les responsables du marketing vertical, les responsables du marketing des canaux et les responsables du marketing sur le terrain. Guide les programmes de relations publiques, sociales et de communication d'entreprise pour le produit/solution concerne. Analyse concurrentielle, avec un accent sur la neutralisation et la reponse aux tactiques de marketing dans la region. Bachelor's degree in related field Certified Vision Professional Able to work hybrid from Dorval, QC Canada (remote candidates will be considered for other locations) Clarity of thinking & vision with -keen prioritization skills Organizational Agility Influence / Negotiation / Partnership skills with product teams Drive results and execution through a virtual team Ability to thrive in matrixed organization environment Ability to technically understand how products deliver a solution Excellent presentation & communication skills Demonstrated lifecycle product marketing experience, from NPI to EOL Understanding of holistic go-to-market readiness, especially readiness of different channels for the portfolio at large Competitive analysis, with a focus on neutralizing and responding to marketing tactics in region Demonstrated willingness to actively participate with vertical, channel and regional marketing teams Baccalaureat dans un domaine connexe 5+ ans d'experience pertinente en marketing ou en vente, y compris le marketing de produits, et/ou une experience comparable en gestion/developpement de produits dans le secteur technologique B2B. Connaissance approfondie de la vision industrielle et de la numerisation industrielle fixe. Environ 10 % de deplacements nationaux et internationaux. Professionnel certifie en vision Capable de travailler en mode hybride depuis Dorval, QC Canada (les candidats a distance seront consideres pour d'autres lieux). Competences cles: Clarte de pensee et de vision avec des competences de priorisation aigues. Experience demontree en marketing de produits sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie, de la NPI a l'EOL.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622240146", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622126613, "name": "Marketing Campaign Systems & Analytics, Senior", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1727301360, "t_create": 1724699460, "ats_job_id": "107038", "display_job_id": "107038", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107038-en", "job_description": "The primary purpose of the Campaign Systems & Analytics Senior is to identify, measure, and monitor campaign metrics as well as be involved in the communication of marketing's contribution to revenue. The incumbent will aid with campaign system administration by ensuring issues are reported and documented correctly to management, while adhering to best quality control review practices and standard approaches. The role helps manage the workflow of various requests and brings ideas of continuous process improvement. Plays a key role with implementation of KPIs and tracks metrics against KPIs for campaigns, channel marketing, lead management, events, PR, and telemarketing to ensure programs are meeting goals Leads the creation and maintenance of HTML e-mails, online forms, landing pages, monthly e-newsletters, etc. Develops Marketing Cloud templates Designs, builds, implements, and maintains the data model, marketing contact database, and preferences for the region Performs the administration of data model strategy and health Implements KPIs and tracks metrics against KPIs for marketing contact database Assists regional marketing with database loads and performs web scraping to find new database records Assists with the team governance of data quality Performs data cleansing and data archiving Maintains preference center for all contacts (end user, channel, and internal), enables data personalization, and has a strong knowledge of legal data protection laws Manages opt-out accuracy/compliance Ensures taxonomy pick lists in database are accurate and up to date Monitors real time reports of campaign results Analyzes results and recommends actions to improve performance Works on database expansion and segmentation Bachelor's degree in relatable field 5+ years of related work experience in marketing analytics or marketing operations; 3+ years of experience with marketing automation platforms and marketing campaigns Salesforce experience Experience designing and governing marketing processes Project management skills Analytical Skills - Ability to scrutinize and interpret large amounts of data from multiple sources Capacity to see the big picture from scattered pieces of information and present complex and disparate data in a clear and concise manner Ability to synthesize data into meaningful, action-oriented recommendations Exceptional Communication Skills - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Accountability - Acute attention to detail Energetic hard worker, driven to deliver exceptional results", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622126613", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343622121227, "name": "Solutions Marketing, Advisor", "location": "Mexico City, Mexico", "locations": ["Mexico City, Mexico", "Bogota, Colombia", "Argentina"], "hot": 0, "department": "Marketing", "business_unit": "Marketing", "t_update": 1728066480, "t_create": 1724683080, "ats_job_id": "107033", "display_job_id": "107033", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "107033-en", "job_description": "Lead development of Regional GTM Strategy along with vertical sales leadership, including reputation, demand creation, sales/channel enablement and market intelligence tactics Contribute to Global Solutions Marketing strategy to ensure regional view is correctly represented in upstream global marketing efforts Orchestrate across multiple marketing functions, sales, business intelligence, strategy and services to successfully execute against the annual regional vertical GTM strategy Accountable for overarching 'storytelling' and content development, particularly high value CTA assets for thought leadership, lead generation and account based marketing programs Manage and develop a team of direct reports to ensure coverage of verticals, products and audience priorities Build & Nurture a thought leadership program that contributes to reputation and customer reference pipeline to support Comprehensive regional GTM marketing plan - annual, quarterly Solution pipeline, revenue - marketing influenced & driven Successful seller adoption of enablement materials Thought leadership/Reputation, Customer Reference Pipeline BA/BS degree in relatable field 8+ years in marketing including Strategic Thinking and converting strategy into execution Organizational Agility: Matrix, direct and indirect management Exceptional Influencing Skills Commercial acumen Partnership skills with sales senior management People Development/Management/Change Management Drive results and execution through a virtual team Ability to technically understand how products fit in to create and deliver a solution Excellent presentation & communication skills Staff management Budget management - planning, forecasting, etc. Understanding of the complex business go to market model MBA Market Analysis: Ability to research and analyze market trends, customer needs, and competitive landscape to identify opportunities for solutions. Product Knowledge: Deep understanding of the solutions or products you're marketing, including technical aspects and how they solve customer problems. Strategic Thinking: Crafting and executing marketing strategies that align with business goals and address market demands. Customer Insights: Gathering and interpreting customer feedback and data to tailor marketing strategies and improve solutions.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343622121227", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621900737, "name": "2025 Summer Internship (US) - Digital Marketing Projects", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "CEO", "t_update": 1727449020, "t_create": 1723663020, "ats_job_id": "106883", "display_job_id": "106883", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106883-en", "job_description": "Will learn how to buy on Zebra.com including: Establishing/expanding on product data Clean up/acquisition of product images Product relationship mapping to accessories and services Expansion of Zebra.com capabilities for product configuration Partner data analysis and readout Current enrollment in an undergraduate degree program in Marketing/Digital Marketing, Data and Analytics, User Experience (UX) or relevant Must have an anticipated graduation date between May 2025 to December 2026 Must be authorized to work in the US without requiring sponsorship now or in the future Must be able to work a hybrid schedule in Lincolnshire, IL (3 in office days per week/2 remote days per week) Experience working with and/or analyzing data Strong presentation skills Adobe Creative Suite including Photoshop Strong organization skills Fast learner, able to pick up on technology quickly Critical thinking skills Proficient in Microsoft Office (including Excel, Word, & PowerPoint) Intellectual curiosity with a strong desire to learn and grow Proven leadership and excellence in professional, academic, and/or extracurricular experiences Ability to collaborate as part of a team Effective verbal and written communication skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343621900737", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343621712682, "name": "2025 Summer Internship (US) - Channel Marketing", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "CEO", "t_update": 1727205660, "t_create": 1723132200, "ats_job_id": "106814", "display_job_id": "106814", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "106814-en", "job_description": "The channel marketing team supports channel partner marketing efforts with strong alignment to our sales team. Within the team, we launch 'through' and 'to' partner marketing initiatives to drive run-rate and overall channel revenue by influencing partners selling Zebra through partner enablement and demand generation campaigns. This is a hybrid internship located in Lincolnshire, IL. The expectation is at least 3 days of in-office attendance. Current enrollment in an undergraduate degree program in Marketing, Business Administration, Business Management, Communications, Entrepreneurship or similar Must have an anticipated graduation date between December 2025-December 2026. Must be authorized to work in the US without requiring sponsorship now or in the future This is a hybrid internship located in Lincolnshire, IL. The expectation is at least 3 days of in-office attendance. 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