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", "title": "Health & Well-Being", "icon": "fa-heartbeat"}, {"title": "Financial Future", "description": "Retirement benefits, Discounted Employee Stock Purchase Program and other resources to help you reach your long term financial goals.", "icon": "fa-piggy-bank"}, {"title": "Work-Life Balance", "description": "Paid time off and flexible work arrangements that allow you to integrate work and home. Relax, recover, care for family members, honor personal commitments, and more. ", "icon": "fa-user-clock"}, {"description": "Expect fair compensation and equal opportunities for all our employees.", "title": "Competitive Pay", "icon": "fa-sack-dollar"}, {"title": "Inclusion & Diversity", "description": "Be you and feel a sense of belonging in an inclusive working culture offering Employee Resource Groups and more.", "icon": "fa-handshake perk-icon"}, {"title": "Learning & Development", "description": "Programs and experiences designed to help you grow your career and hone your knowledge and skills, including Tuition Reimbursement. ", "icon": "fa-book-reader"}, {"title": "Volunteer & Giving", "description": "Create a better world for communities and the environment with our volunteering programs & paid volunteer time. Our philanthropic efforts are far-reaching and steeped in generosity and passion of our employees. ", "icon": "fa-hand-holding-heart"}], "privacy": {"title": "Data Privacy", "button": "I Accept", "text": "By entering information here, you agree to submit information related to your application to Zebra Technologies Corporation and its affiliates (\u201cZebra\u201d). Information submitted is subject to Zebra\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.zebra.com/us/en/about-zebra/company-information/legal/privacy-statement.html\" >Privacy Policy</a>. Information submitted in the European Economic Area (EEA), in the United Kingdom and Turkey is subject to Zebra's <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=978791&hashed=-1158610107\" >EMEA Recruitment Privacy Notice</a> and <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://zebra.icims.com/icims2/servlet/icims2?module=AppInert&action=download&id=1085014&hashed=76655921\" >Turkey Privacy Consents for Recruitment</a>. Zebra may use and retain your information for up to 6 years as well as provide it to third parties or agencies which may, as applicable, process, transmit, store or retain it for the purpose of complying with applicable laws and regulations. Zebra may use third-party service providers to perform verification and/or background checks who may be located outside the country from which you are applying or reside. You also agree and consent to Zebra\u2019s use of third-party service providers, including but not limited to, iCIMS, Inc., who may process, transmit, and store the information you submit in your application. iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://www.icims.com/gc/Talent-Platform-Security-Policy/\">privacy statements and security policies</a> also apply. Please contact iCIMS, Inc. directly if you have any questions or concerns regarding iCIMS, Inc.\u2019s policies.", "logged_out_notifications_text": "When you upload your resume, we provide job recommendations that will be emailed to you on a weekly basis. You can manage these notifications by selecting Manage Notifications from the email. Please confirm you agree to the Data Privacy."}, "navBar": {"opacity": 1, "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/zebra/1652831607::pcs-logo-navbar", "link": "https://zebra.eightfold.ai/careers", "background": "#000000"}, "hideJobCart": false, "page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "job_page_title": "Careers at Zebra", "page_description": "Careers at Zebra", "hide_matched_section": true, "recaptcha_enabled": 1, "showLoggedOutNotificationsPrivacyPolicy": true, "hideEightfoldBranding": false}, "positions": [{"id": 343624337089, "name": "Project Manager, I", "location": "Denver, Colorado, United States", "locations": ["Denver, Colorado, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "Global Supply Chain and Repair", "t_update": 1737566700, "t_create": 1737492360, "ats_job_id": "108350", "display_job_id": "108350", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108350-en", "job_description": "Gathers input from the project team and works with more senior PM to develop a Project Plan for projects of limited scope - often repurposing old plans or working from examples. Uses established tools and templates to document the plan and communicates it to the team. Gathers feedback from the team and to revise and complete the Project Plan as needed Gathers status updates from the project team and interprets inputs from the team to assemble a consolidated view of status. Provides regular status updates to internal stakeholders, the team and PM leadership as directed Provides assistance with coordination of deliverables and project assets to assist the project team. Personally addresses obstacles or issues that are minor in nature and escalates complex issues to senior team members for assistance Implement initiatives to boost employee satisfaction and motivation Create and maintain career development pathways to equip employees with skills for operational excellence Bachelor's degree in Communication, Business Administration, Organizational Development or related field Relevant experience in an internship or related role Beginner to intermediate communication and facilitation skills Beginner to intermediate presentation skills. Demonstrated comfort in presenting to direct supervisor/manager or within own work team Demonstrated familiarity with project management approaches, tools and methodologies Beginner to intermediate skills in PC based documentation tools including MS Office Beginner to intermediate skills in delegation and follow up", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624337089", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624335000, "name": "Warehouse Associate, II", "location": "Flowery Branch, Georgia, United States", "locations": ["Flowery Branch, Georgia, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1737661275, "t_create": 1737480480, "ats_job_id": "108347", "display_job_id": "108347", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108347-en", "job_description": "Performs the physical and/or administrative tasks involved in the shipping, receiving, storing, distributing and order fulfillment of merchandise, products, materials, parts, supplies and equipment. Performs quality checks on outbound and inbound shipments. Performs outbound staging and packing in accordance with site policies. Executes ERP system transactions on outbound and inbound shipments. Updates FMS for parcel and freight shipments. Learns to use handheld RF scanners and Warehouse Management System to fulfill orders. Maintains inventory accuracy. Handles and controls hazardous material on both inbound and outbound. Complies with 5S safety, housekeeping practices, and regulations. Completes all required safety training and follows protocol in all risk situations. Uses Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate to tasks at hand. Lifts up to 75 pounds unassisted. Certification on powered industrial trucks including work assist vehicle (WAV), off the ground order picker (up to 35' off the ground), reach truck, dock stocker and powered pallet jacks. Creates repair RMA's, manages receiving and shipment issues within repair systems. Develops familiarity with a subset of products, processes, operational metrics and software tools; learns and follows basic work instructions for functional assignments according to productivity and quality standards Provides input geared towards continuous improvement, work instruction documentation, and standardization of processes. Resolves a variety of basic problems of limited complexity under direct supervision and performs rudimentary analysis involving a limited number of factors. Creates expense orders for internal repair consumption. Services customer product, including evaluating and validating customer complaint information, repair history, troubleshooting, and contract entitlement. Creates work instructions, check sheets, or other process documentation. Trains associates in basic work assignments and shares information with the team in regards to new learnings. May obtain training in other areas of safety (i.e. fire extinguisher use). Full knowledge of ISO requirements and demonstrated ability to ensure compliance with external auditors. Minimum Requirments: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required (safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, etc.) High School Diploma or GED. Basic computer literacy, with knowledge of software including Microsoft Office, Warehouse Management Systems, and ERP system. Proficient understanding of the use of a desktop . Can read a ruler. Previous Standup forklift operation. Come join the herd! Zebra is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace All qualified candidates will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identify, national origin, disability and protected veteran status or any other basis prohibited by law. If you are an individual with a disability and need assistance in applying for a position, please contact us at workplace.accommodations@zebra.com. Know Your Rights: https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2022-10/EEOC_KnowYourRights_screen_reader_10_20.pdf Conozca sus Derechos: https://www.eeoc.gov/sites/default/files/2022-10/22-088_EEOC_KnowYourRightsSp_10_20.pdf We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform crucial job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation. Zebra is a federal contractor and is committed to an alcohol and drug free workplace. As a result, all U.S. based employees are subject to the Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy and Procedure. Work for a company that cares, offers a growth environment, and a culture of respect, inclusion and recognition - our front-line workers have an average 7-year tenure! Healthcare, Dental & Vision, Tuition Reimbursement 401k with Company Match Annual Cash Incentive Opportunity 20 Days Starting PTO 2 Floating Holidays and Paid Volunteer Time Off Annual Shoe Allowance and free Company Apparel", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624335000", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624289397, "name": "Quality Technician, I", "location": "Greenville, Wisconsin, United States", "locations": ["Greenville, Wisconsin, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1737660540, "t_create": 1737064920, "ats_job_id": "108227", "display_job_id": "108227", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108227-en", "job_description": "Provides audits and inspections on product quality according to Zebra's quality-assurance processes Conducts nonconforming materials investigation and may report to Zebra's authorized vendors as appropriate Escalates and/or engages management as required for assistance in addressing new or complex issues Ability to understand specific technical requirements, delivering output following broad framework Other research or related activities as deemed as necessary Work for a company that cares, offers a growth environment, and a culture of respect, inclusion and recognition - our front-line workers have an average 7-year tenure! Minimum Requirments: High school or equivalent 1+ years of experience Strong process adherence Fluent level of English (written and verbal) as well as local language as applicable Beginner level skills in Microsoft business applications including Word, Excel and Outlook Ability to work in fast-paced, multi-task environment Solid professional work behaviors (attendance, teamwork, time management)", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624289397", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624283566, "name": "Sales Effectiveness Manager", "location": "Raleigh, North Carolina, United States", "locations": ["Raleigh, North Carolina, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Corporate and Business Services", "business_unit": "Sales", "t_update": 1737666180, "t_create": 1737042960, "ats_job_id": "108222", "display_job_id": "108222", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108222-en", "job_description": "Overesee the creation of Sales Plays, ensuring alignment with company goals and objectives Manage multiple projects simultaneously and prioritize tasks across projects to meet deadlines Checks progress regularly against the plan and makes adjustments to optimize execution. Recommends alternative opportunities to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Documents progress against the project plan throughout the project. Formulates status reports and presents to the team and immediate manager. Status reports are expected to be concise summaries, tailored to the audience - from leadership down to individual contributors. Personally knowledgeable on most aspects of the program, down to a reasonable level of detail. Has the ability to see cross-functional impacts of decisions and project plans and execution. Shares those impacts along with associated risks with leadership. Balances scope, schedule and budget considerations to adjust the project with minimal impact to the business. Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles or delays. Adjusts the plan per management guidelines as delays or obstacles are experienced. Leads multiple limited to moderate scope projects simultaneously or manage part of a larger program with moderate guidance from management. May manage simpler, multi-team projects with similar resources and budgets. Work with cross-functional teams to develop effective sales messaging, collateral, and training materials Monitor and report on the success of Sales Play and make recommendations for adjustments as needed Bachelors Degree 8+ years of relevant experience in both operational and field sales experience (B2B preferred) Proven track record of managing and executing successful sales campaigns Demonstrated comfort in presenting to mid to senior level cross functional audiences Intermediate to advanced skills in PC based documentation tools including MS Office and MS Project PMP certification preferred Innovative mindset that demonstrates a high level of imagination and creativity to solve complex organization and process issues Intermediate to advanced communication and facilitation skills. Formal training preferred Intermediate to advanced presentation skills Intermediate to advanced skills in delegation and follow up Ability to work cross-functionally with all levels of the organization Solid organizational skills Strong problem solving skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624283566", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624272559, "name": "Senior Manager Technical Program Management", "location": "Kennesaw, Georgia, United States", "locations": ["Kennesaw, Georgia, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Engineering", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1737490140, "t_create": 1736955900, "ats_job_id": "108212", "display_job_id": "108212", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108212-en", "job_description": "Leads the development and execution of new SaaS market initiatives, encompassing concept definition, requirements validation, architecture specification, and ensuring compliance with our Application Lifecycle Management framework. Oversees end-to-end (E2E) launches of new SaaS programs, managing key workstreams including engineering, go-to-market strategies, and sales enablement. Acts as a lead for scaled Agile cross-functional innovation teams contibuting to, and promoting the development of agile skillset and capabilities within Zebra. Functional leadership of program management teams with possible direct supervision of several senior PM's and managers. Independently drives team growth and development plans and supports individual's execution of development activities such as training, mentorships, and guiding growth opportunities for high potentials. Demonstrates the ability to see cross-functional impacts of decisions and project plans and execution. Balances scope, schedule and budget considerations to adjust the project with minimal impact to the business. Understands the business objectives of the program and assumes personal accountability for success of the program against those objectives. Establishes standards of performance across programs that are typically complex in nature with cross-functional teams in numerous locations and time zones. Drives continuous improvement initiatives to improve quality, increase efficiency and accelerate time to market. Ability to translate customer problems into solution requirements. Works independently with business in defining proof of value and customer's return on investment. Leads system integration planning, release management, and planning for demonstrations, proof of concepts and pilots. Leads creating cross functional workstreams and driving execution for sales enablement, development and deployment. Independently building relationships and working across all relevant areas of the solution business including Sales, Services, IT, Finance, Marketing, Product, Engineering, and Support. Organizes and presents business, technical and program reviews/status to Senior Leadership using digital media, dashboards and JIRA agile project management tools. Recognized as an \"expert\" in the business function and processes in which the program is operating Motivates a project team to ensure solutions are reliable and of quality, in a highly collaborative fashion Independently coordinates deliverables and project assets to assist the project team. Personally anticipates and addresses obstacles or issues that are moderate to significant in severity and escalates complex issues to management for assistance. Independently engages additional resources as needed to address obstacles or delays. Adjusts the plan per management guidelines as delays or obstacles are experienced. Demonstrates advanced understanding of development processes and product launch scope and activities Strength in hiring, recruiting, managing, developing, coaching, and retaining individuals and teams. May coach or act as escalation point for Managers of Program Management or grades below Explore and understand competitive landscape in both product and business terms. Define strategic initiatives to align the business to agile product development. Work closely with Portfolio Management to ensure strategic goals align and are represented in the innovation feature roadmap. Lead development of business plans, strategies and approaches to take advantage of business opportunities. Lead strategic partnerships with technology companies (including startups) that are developing adjacent new cutting-edge solution elements. Partner with Zebra Ventures to identify entities that are added-value to your business and solutions. Develop and protect intellectual property Computer Science degree, or related technical bachelor's degree REQUIRED 12+ years Engineering/Program management experience for products in fast paced environment including minimum 2 years as team supervisor or manager REQUIRED Advanced program management experience with Cloud development and Software/Services development integration, as well as mobile application development REQUIRED Experience leading large cross-functional teams and SaaS programs REQUIRED Deep understanding and expertise with software development practices methodologies (Agile, Waterfall, Scrum, etc.) and tools (e.g., Jira, MS Project, or similar), and TDD and Continuous Integration REQUIRED Android or iOS experience preferred Ability to drive definition and creation of solutions from skeleton use cases Experienced team builder, great at collaboration and managing resources; proven interpersonal skills Well versed with IP fundamentals Advanced expertise working independently and as part of a team to solve difficult technical, quality, cost, and schedule challenges, expert in risk management practices Self-motivated, results driven, manages risks, and thrives in an environment of uncertainty and continuous innovation. Strong strategic leadership and analytical skills Demonstrated ability to influence others Exceptional verbal and written communication skills, critical thinking and questioning skills MBA or Master's degree preferred Strong SaaS and Cloud software solutions experience highly preferred AI experience preferred Able to identify and resolve process, procedure, and tool gaps to improve overall program success Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to address complex problems considering various technological and business factors High ownership with a strong bias for action Drive a culture of using data insights to help drive decision-making Ability to lead, organize, and prioritize multiple projects and requests simultaneously Proven ability to build, track, and execute programs from start to finish independently under fast-changing priorities Critical time management skills for all owned tasks, often delivering under tight deadlines and managing project timelines and deliverables Excellent verbal and written communication skills with strong personal ownership and the ability to align partnerships and collaborations Innovative and solution-oriented problem solver who can respond to changing priorities, rapidly adapt, and overcome challenges collaboratively Demonstrated ability to stay calm under pressure and be comfortable with ambiguity Skills to influence stakeholders at all levels, with the ability to get buy-in and hold people accountable Ability to simplify complex technical information in verbal and written form and drive informed decisions across multiple departments Exceptional cross-team collaboration focused on execution, follow-through, and accountability; results-driven Deep understanding of human resources, employee performance improvement plans, and corrective action policies", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624272559", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624254586, "name": "Machine Operator, II", "location": "Greenville, Wisconsin, United States", "locations": ["Greenville, Wisconsin, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1737511260, "t_create": 1736909580, "ats_job_id": "108203", "display_job_id": "108203", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108203-en", "job_description": "Operate and maintain machines and equipment while adhering to all quality and safety standards. Demonstrates and understands the functions and basic mechanical workings of assigned machines under limited supervision Follows work order instructions and performs labeling requirements Performs quality tests per ISO procedures Adheres to productivity standards Complies with all required safety practices and use of PPE Contributes primarily through execution of defined processes and procedures but may make suggestions for process improvement Resolves a variety of problems of limited complexity by following highly detailed instructions or procedures Transmits and receives basic information related to role in order to carry out duties Builds productive working relationships internally, generally within immediate department or team Learns policies and procedures and how to apply them to issues experienced in routine activities Learns and closely follows established processes and directions Receives Direct Supervision for routine work, new projects or assignments Trains other team members directed by supervisor or lead. Follow Zebra shared values Work for a company that cares, offers a growth environment, and a culture of respect, inclusion and recognition - our front-line workers have an average 7-year tenure! Minimum Requirment: High School or Equivalent 1+ years Excellent mechanical abilities. Ability to follow written and verbal instructions. Able to work effectively with others. Basic math and computer skills. Ability to work with light to medium machinery. 1+ year of related experience operating finishing and or label converting equipment (die cutting, laminating, slitting, etc)", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624254586", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624249394, "name": "Repair Technician - Government Contract, I", "location": "Bentonville, Arkansas, United States", "locations": ["Bentonville, Arkansas, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Customer Service / Support", "business_unit": "Global Supply Chain and Repair", "t_update": 1737137760, "t_create": 1736864880, "ats_job_id": "108193", "display_job_id": "108193", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108193-en", "job_description": "Use established procedures and work instructions to meet productions goals and troubleshoot electronic modules. Will be required to collect data for evaluation purposes. This position will work on repairs exclusively for government contracts. Please note that this position will be providing services under a federal contract. As a result, completion of a successful federal security clearance is a requirement of the position. The applicant must complete and return to the federal agency a detailed security questionnaire as well as consent to and pass the following background screens: 1. US citizen required - individual must be able to obtain a Public Trust/Sensitive Security Clearance US citizen required - individual must be able to obtain a Public Trust / Sensitive Security Clearance Experience as a production assembler, having performed assembly operations to required quality levels and job standards. Some knowledge of computers and test equipment is required. Manual dexterity and visual coordination are required. High School Diploma or GED Prior use of various hand tools. Ability to stand and sit on production line throughout the shift. Works well with others. Work for a company that cares, offers a growth environment, and a culture of respect, inclusion and recognition - our front-line workers have an average 7-year tenure! Healthcare, Dental & Vision, Tuition Reimbursement 401k with Company Match Annual Cash Incentive Opportunity 20 Days Starting PTO 2 Floating Holidays and Paid Volunteer Time Off Annual Shoe Allowance and free Company Apparel Performs setup, testing and modular level repair to whole units. Maintains accurate record keeping for individual repairs. Uses custom software testing suites to diagnose/validate hardware failure. Recognizes failures, follows engineering changes, and determines appropriate action. Uses equipment such as a voltmeter, computer, and special test fixtures. Maintains production and quality output standards.", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624249394", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624239089, "name": "Inventory Associate, I - Day Shift", "location": "Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States", "locations": ["Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Global Supply Chain and Repair", "t_update": 1736794560, "t_create": 1736794560, "ats_job_id": "108183", "display_job_id": "108183", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108183-en", "job_description": "Cycle counting (stock checks)- using MRP system Use MRP system to maintain inventory counts Timely and accurate stocking of materials Ensures completion and accountability of work Lifts heavy items and may operate forklift Perform other duties as may be reasonably assigned within the job holder's capability In regards to the environment, health and safety the job holder needs to follow the training, procedures and instructions and if required take action to: Be aware of the impact of the activities Carefully use natural resources like energy, water and raw material Prevent and/or minimize effect of accidents Ability to lift up to 50lbs Be aware of regulations High School diploma or equivalent/ or previous relevant work experience Experience in working with MRP. Oracle is an advantage Experience in working with MS Office Licensed to drive on material handling equipment Ability to read, understand and follow written work instructions Adequate verbal and written communication skills", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624239089", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624193370, "name": "Repair Services Associate, I - 2nd Shift", "location": "Buffalo Grove, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Buffalo Grove, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Manufacturing", "business_unit": "Global Supply Chain and Repair", "t_update": 1737496440, "t_create": 1736532420, "ats_job_id": "108172", "display_job_id": "108172", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108172-en", "job_description": "Services customer product, including receiving/shipping, reviewing customer complaints, basic troubleshooting, mechanical repairs, inspection, basic hand soldering, cleaning, testing, and final inspections. Records work performed in the form of symptom codes and parts replacement reasons. Develops familiarity with a subset of products, processes, operational metrics and software tools; learns and follows basic work instructions for functional assignments according to productivity and quality standards. Provides input geared towards continuous improvement, work instruction documentation, and standardization of processes. Resolves a variety of basic problems of limited complexity under direct supervision and performs rudimentary analysis involving a limited number of factors. Learns policies and procedures, and applies them to routine activities. Complies with all required safety practices and regulations. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Required (safety glasses, steel-toed boots, gloves, etc.) High School Diploma or GED Able to work in a team environment Good communication and interpersonal skills Able to follow and understand work instructions Common hand tools", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624193370", "isPrivate": false}, {"id": 343624192126, "name": "Supply Chain Planner, II", "location": "Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States", "locations": ["Lincolnshire, Illinois, United States"], "hot": 0, "department": "Supply Chain", "business_unit": "Products and Solutions", "t_update": 1736538600, "t_create": 1736525760, "ats_job_id": "108169", "display_job_id": "108169", "type": "ATS", "id_locale": "108169-en", "job_description": "Support and actively participate in deployment of supply chain model within region Plan and develop supply schedule to keep sufficient inventory positions to support material requirements of internal or external customers Regularly review and adjust demand plan with internal stakeholders Applies Zebra's procedures to resolve issues and mitigate constraints impacting supply plan including capacity, transportation, and order-management errors Monitor open purchase orders to ensure on time deliveries; partner with Order Management to resolve any admin/order error(s) Escalate shortages within the broader supply chain organization and work to support resolution Develop and maintain strong working relationships and communications with key cross functional stakeholders to confirm production/shipping schedules Perform ad-hoc analysis as needed Participate in cross-functional projects as a representative of the supply chain function Bachelor's degree required 2+ years of experience in Business, Supply Chain, Finance or related field preferred Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel International Supply Chain experience in service and/or manufacturing a plus Ability to organize and prioritize work Strong analytical and problem-solving skill Strong interpersonal and communication skills Oracle knowledge a plus", "stars": 0.0, "medallionProgram": null, "location_flexibility": null, "work_location_option": "onsite", "canonicalPositionUrl": "https://careers.zebra.com/careers/job/343624192126", "isPrivate": false}], "debug": {}, "count": 253, "countFilterByMatchScore": null, "location_user": "any", "location_used": "", "locationInsights": null, "showWizard": 1, "disableLocationSearchDropdown": false, "pcsAutocompleteLocationEnabled": 0, "recommended_star_threshold": 3, "mocTitle": null, "fuzzyResultsReturned": false, "query": {"query": "", "location": "", "department": [], "skill": [], "seniority": [], "pid": "", "skills": [], "departments": []}, "userTitles": [], "isThinProfile": false, "veteranProgramDetails": [], "enableTargetedResume": 0, "jobCardConfig": {"display_config": {"fields": [{"data": "location", "icon": "mdiMapMarker"}, {"data": "department", "icon": "mdiBriefcaseOutline"}], "title": "name", "show_apply_btn": true, "show_job_cart_btn": true}, "enabled": true}, "facetDisplaySort": {"skills": "count_desc", "departments": "count_desc", "seniority": "count_desc", "locations": "count_desc"}, "facets": {"skills": {}, "departments": {"Engineering": 59, "Sales": 44, "Supply Chain": 29, "Manufacturing": 28, "Corporate and Business Services": 22, "Customer Service / Support": 18, "Information Technology": 17, "Marketing": 12, "Finance": 9, "Strategic Planning and Corporate Development": 7, "Human Resources": 5, "Corporate Affairs": 1, "Quality": 1}, "seniority": {}, "locations": {"Remote": 999999, "Bengaluru, KA, India": 29, "Lincolnshire, IL, United States": 27, "Brno, South Moravian Region, Czechia": 25, "Penang, Malaysia": 22, "Pune, MH, India": 14, "England, United Kingdom": 14, "Greenville, WI, United States": 12, "Holtsville, NY, United States": 12, "Kenosha, WI, United States": 11, "M\u00e9xico D.F., CDMX, Mexico": 11, "Bentonville, AR, United States": 9, "Flowery Branch, GA, United States": 7, "Morris Plains, NJ, United States": 7, "London, England, United Kingdom": 6, "Mississauga, ON, Canada": 6, "Tokyo, Japan": 6, "Buffalo Grove, IL, United States": 4, "Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China": 4, "Chicago, IL, United States": 3, "Heerenveen, FR, Netherlands": 3, "Preston, England, United Kingdom": 3, "Taipei City, Taiwan": 3, "Austin, TX, United States": 2, "Bogot\u00e1, Bogota, Colombia": 2, "Hanoi, Viet Nam": 2, "Kennesaw, GA, United States": 2, "Richmond, VA, United States": 2, "San Jose, CA, United States": 2, "San Pedro Garza Garc\u00eda, N.L., Mexico": 2, "Singapore": 2, "S\u00e3o Paulo, SP, Brazil": 2, "Annapolis, MD, United States": 1, "Colombo, WP, Sri Lanka": 1, "Denver, CO, United States": 1, "Dubai, United Arab Emirates": 1, "Fort Worth, TX, United States": 1, "Frisco, TX, United States": 1, "Germantown, MD, United States": 1, "Glen Waverley, VIC, Australia": 1, "Gliwice, Silesian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam": 1, "West Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia": 1, "Stockholm County, Sweden": 1, "Lancaster, England, United Kingdom": 1, "Lansing, MI, United States": 1, "Macquarie Park, NSW, Australia": 1, "VIC, Australia": 1, "Opole, Opole Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Osaka, Japan": 1, "Raleigh, NC, United States": 1, "BC, Canada": 1, "Rungis, \u00cele-de-France, France": 1, "Sacramento, CA, United States": 1, "Seoul, Korea, Republic of": 1, "Springfield, IL, United States": 1, "St Paul, MN, United States": 1, "NSW, Australia": 1, "Toronto, ON, Canada": 1, "Warsaw, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Washington, DC, United States": 1, "Wroc\u0142aw, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland": 1, "Mexico": 1}}, "isSubQuery": false, "showBusinessUnitInPositionSidebar": false, "hideDepartment": null, "iframeImplementation": null, "pcsTextConfiguration": {}, "facetNoTitlecase": null, "skipCSSFacetCapitalization": false, "enableMapClustering": false, "readmoreInstructionEnabled": false, "candidateLogin": {"postApplyReviewLink": {"enabled": true, "url": "/api/apply/v2/profile/review/initialize_user?domain=zebra.com", "title": "What's next? 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